Sunday, April 5, 2009

The 'hood

29 January 2009

I’ve now walked about 75 miles around (and around) the neighborhood near and far around our flat.

We’re in a place where there is a significant gradient in quality as a function of position. Probably, in CR terms, we are living one notch below where we would be on the US scale. And, the CR scale is probably a notch or so offset downward relative to the US. Within a few miles east and north, I can find neighborhoods where the quality of the best houses is better than ours in the US, on an absolute scale (two notches up from where we are living). Within a few miles west and south, neighborhood quality slides to a level where I would be uncomfortable, I think. Not favelas, but not much above shantytowns in the worst cases.

Today’s photos come from our immediate surroundings.
The view from our bedroom window (beautiful palm tree and blue sky; ugly pink wall and weedy parking strip)

The “sidewalk” view on our street, appropriate since I spend so much time pounding the pavement

My “office,” where I spend even more time!

The weather is one of the treats of being in San José. There is a fairly steady wind, much higher than I’m accustomed to. The temperature seems to vary from the high 50s overnight to the low 80s during the day. We are at 1200 m elevation and the humidity is comfortable. It has only rained 1 day out of 16. (And that was a travel day, so I’m not sure how much it rained here in SJ.) We get a mix of sunshine and clouds, and the clouds are often spectacular, as in the picture at the top of this post.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

The cloud picture is one of my favorite photos from you ever abba. It has all the key aspects of dramatic imagery (small and large aspects, humans interacting with nature, vibrant color contrasts, rule of thirds) without being in the least bit cliché.