Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cahuita Take 3: Las Mariposas

9 February 2009

We have photos of birds, monkeys, sloths, crabs, and even lizards. But it is hard to shoot impressive photos of these with our limited equipment. On the other hand, the butterflies are easier targets, so here is a sample of some of the beauty of this area on that front. (These were shot in a “butterfly garden” where we spent about 90 minutes yesterday morning. We do also see a fair number of butterflies in nature, but they are harder to photograph there.)

ps: The blue butterfly is included, not because it is a great photo, but because the “blue morpho” is the most spectacular butterfly in Costa Rica. We've seen a half dozen of these in national parks on our outings. The wingspan measures about 20 cm and the blue is as richly iridescent as suggested by the photo.

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