Monday, September 9, 2019

Rocky Mountain NP — Day 1

We hiked the Haiyaha Loop, from the Bear Lake trailhead.  Our version had an official distance of about 6.3 miles, with about 1200 feet of elevation gain.  The altitude slowed us down — the hike was centered at about 10,000 feet elevation.  It included several scenic lakes (Nymph, Dream, Emerald, Haiyaha) and long passages through heavy forest.  The beginning and end were quite crowded and in the morning the seniors were out in force -- we seemed to be among the younger hikers! 

After getting back to the car, about 3:30 PM, we drove the Trail Ridge Road to the Alpine Visitor Center well above the tree line.  We made a short climb about a half mile to the local summit, 12,000 feet.  I don't think either Ingrid or I have been this high except in Nepal!