Tuesday, October 29, 2013

After the storm…

It was reported that the winds experienced in our vicinity yesterday were the highest ever recorded in Denmark, reaching a peak gust speed of 55 m/s (= 120 miles per hour)! The storm blew through quickly so that today has been relatively calm with intermittent rain showers and sunshine. Very Danish!
Photos 2-5 show some of the damage that we saw. On the grounds of the estate, there were lots of broken tree branches and a few downed trees, including the one seen here that was snapped in two like a toothpick rather than uprooted. Overall, the damage wasn't too severe here. But, imagine how strong the wind must be to break a metal sundial! (Compare the photo from yesterday's post.) Or to dislodge clay tiles from a roof!

Thursday, October 3, 2013