Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Banbury Center, Lloyd Harbor, NY

I'm attending a 2.5 day workshop on "Microbiology of the Built Environment," at the Banbury Center in New York.  There are 27 people at this meeting, by invitation only.  The format for most of the meeting is 23 half-hour slots, divided into 15 min presentations followed by 15 min of discussion, each on a topic selected by one of the participants.  My presentation, given this afternoon, was entitled "Indoor bioaerosol dynamics and inhalation exposures."  The facility is isolated in a quiet corner of Long Island.  Our meeting is the only activity during these few days.  We take all our meals together in one dining room -- these are lively events because there is a lot to talk about and the room is really loud (too loud, IMO).  There is just enough time during breaks and around the edges of mealtimes to squeeze in my daily quota of 5 miles of walking on these lovely grounds. (But I missed the group photo, posted at the bottom, which was taken during our first break…)