Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hong Kong — Morning Trail

23 May 2010

Only a few hundred meters up the road from our door is the beginning of a 3 km hiking path known as the "Morning Trail." Each morning since we arrived, we see a steady current of people of all ages (more old than young) slowly climbing up the road to begin the hike.

This morning, after breakfast, we joined the flow. The trail is extraordinary. The whole length is beautifully paved, either in concrete with a slip-proof finish or asphalt. The grading is even and the surface is unblemished. The first portion rises steeply through dense tropical forest passing by exercise stations and resting pavilions. For the last km, the rise is more gentle.

Then, remarkably, at the top, one finds this: A major shopping center! It is also the terminus of a tram that brings visitors up from the downtown area. The views of Victoria Harbor and of the highrise buildings below are stunning!

Addendum: We hiked up to the peak again on Monday morning before breakfast (a response to jet lag). The two photos below were taken on this second trip. The morning light provided nice illumination of the buildings in the heart of Hong Kong.

To the south, as we were ascending, we could see the token wind turbine situated on an island with three tall stacks, presumably indicating coal-fired electricity generation. The turbine looks like it has about 1 MW maximum output. The coal-fired plant probably produces 1000x in full operation. Renewable energy will take a bigger commitment to fossil-free energy than this!


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you are doing well. Love Opa

Leza Nazaroff said...

Wow! I am amazed on how CLEAN the city is! It is BEAUTIFUL with the green trees to soften the surroundings. I DIG the two towers, CIPPO they resemble Robots. The "Morning Trail" is quite inviting with it's lush protected appearance. I would walk it daily! The photos of the island resembles San Francisco, with Avalon's size exploded a bit. I wish we were there!!! Enjoy your adventure and be safe with the food...(Bill) I look forward to the coming photos!
Love you both!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill & Ingrid

The photos are great. Quite a few changes since your mom and I were there, that was a long time ago !!
The weather seems to be perfect. Hope all is going smoothly for you.


Mom & Dad