Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tomales Point

14 March 2010

Tomales Point is this amazing little peninsula that juts out into the Pacific Ocean from the northern portion of Point Reyes National Seashore in Marin County north of San Francisco. Daniela was home for a short spring break and wanted to do a big nature hike over the weekend, so we four -- Ingrid and Alexis included -- headed off Sunday morning. The drive is pretty, but it's a bit of a schlep, 60 miles and about 90 minutes because much of it is on windy country roads.

Eventually, we parked at the Upper Pierce Ranch historic site and started the northwesterly walk out to the tip of the peninsula. The distance is advertised as 4.7 miles each way; it turned out to be closer to 5.5. The sky was cloudless but just a bit hazy. The temperature was perfect for hiking with two layers of long sleeves.

There are very few trees; just an occasional stand of cypress with some eucalyptus weeds. But the hills are covered with vegetation, ankle height for the first half of the hike and then waist high for the rest. Lupine wasn't quite in bloom, but there were lovely purple Douglas irises and phlox.

About halfway out, we encountered a weasel on the trail with a dead animal -- perhaps a gopher? -- in his mouth. His prey very likely outweighed him, which slowed the weasel down enough so that I could photograph him. That was a treat! Alexis found a bright green frog just off the trail. And there were numerous tule elk wandering around at a distance from us.

On the return, we had planned to stop in at the Bovine Bakery in Point Reyes Station for some tasty pastries, but we were too late and had to make do with some less exciting snacks from the upscale market across the street.

1 comment:

ranibythesea said...

i remember doing this hike a while ago all together as a family...but the day was more gray. by the looks of things, it seems to be just as windy (dans how can you possibly wear that colorful garbage bag?)

what is that rodent peaking his head out?