Saturday, March 20, 2010

Castle Rocks in the spring

19 March 2010

Charlie and Lulu are visiting the East Bay from New Jersey. Charlie gave a high-profile seminar at LBNL on Thursday and next week is participating in an American Chemical Society Conference in San Francisco.

On Friday, I took the afternoon off and the four of us went for a hike at Castle Rocks park in Walnut Creek. We stayed on a low-elevation trail and did an "out and back" walk that covered about 7 miles. It was a nice outing, topped off by dinner at Rivoli.

The most remarkable aspect was the great amount of water along and across the trail. After the third or fourth crossing, Lulu gave up trying to balance on slippery rocks and just plowed through the wet patches. Although Charlie and I persisted in trying, we both slipped at one place or another and got our feet wet. Only Ingrid, with her walking sticks to help, managed to stay completely dry.