Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day in Berkeley

4 July 2009

Berkeley is not known for its patriotism. But as the only city in the United States with its own foreign policy, it certainly is a great place to celebrate Independence Day. This afternoon, Ingrid, Rani, and I rode down to the Berkeley Marina (celebration central) to check out the scene. We didn't need to lock our bikes -- the East Bay Bicycle Coalition had a bike parking system that wasn't too different than valet parking.

Wandering around the marina, we saw these young adults building a raft. I asked, "How will it stay afloat?" The reply, "It's Tupperware!" (Duh!)

We saw bits of three performances. A troupe of belly dancers dominated the stage for well over an hour. One of the numbers was hip-hop belly dancing. The capoeira troupe somehow didn't get stage time, but they were impressive performing in the parking lot anyway.

The third performance was by a balloon-dog-making, stand-up comic, fire juggler, magician. Here, he is doing a card trick with two audience members.

Of course, being the 4th of July, barbeque is a requirement, with lots of meat and smoke involved. But this is Berkeley, so don't forget the "organic, thin-crust, wood-fired pizza." We didn't stick around for the fireworks, but it was still a fun afternoon. And very Berkeley.

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