Friday, August 30, 2019

Sequoia NP — Muir Grove

We've just returned from a three-day trip to Sequoia National Park.  We drove there Tuesday morning and returned Thursday evening, staying two nights at the Wuksachi Lodge midway along the Generals Highway.  The key goal was met: scenic day hikes.  Internet access wasn't strong at the lodge, so I'll post the highlights after-the-fact in three entries, one for each day.

On Tuesday, we arrived in the park about 2 PM and selected an out-and-back walk to Muir Grove, a lightly visited stand of giant sequoias.  The R/T distance was advertised as 4 miles but logged close to 6 when including the distance from parking to the trailhead.  We were grateful for gentle grade (only 500 feet of climbing) as the 6800 foot elevation was definitely noticeable.  We enjoyed the hike, although we felt a bit rushed at the end to make it to our lodging in time for a 6:30 dinner reservation.

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