Friday, August 30, 2019

Sequoia NP — Day 3

We checked out of the Wuksachi Lodge and headed first to the nearby Lodgepole area for a pleasant morning hike to Tokopah Falls.  The creekside trail traversed the bottom of the canyon below the rim we had hiked along the day before.  Marmots were an advertised feature, but we saw none.  (We did see one later in the afternoon at Crescent Meadow.)  The afternoon was split into two parts, both highly scenic.  The first was a meander along a network of trails in the Crescent Meadow area of the Giant Forest.  We saw Tharp's Log, a modest (!) home built inside a fallen log.  At the end of our stay, we climbed Moro Rock.  As advertised in our excellent guide book ("California Hiking" by Tom Stienstra and Ann Marie Brown), "Railings line the rock-blasted trail to keep you from dropping off the 6725 foot granite dome."  The climbing experience was like a small taste (10%?) of climbing Half Dome without any of the hard hiking to get to the bottom.  After hiking back to the Giant Forest Museum where we had parked, we began the five-hour drive home.


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