Saturday, June 22, 2019

NC11 (SC05) — Fort Sumter NM

A small island at the mouth of the Charleston Harbor is the site where the first major battle of the Civil War was fought.  Our visit followed the local standard: a 30-min ferry ride each way (for which one pays) and then a whirlwind 1-h tour of the remains of the fort, including a nicely presented 15-min overview by a park ranger and too little time to thoroughly explore the on-site museum.  With this being our 4th day in Charleston and our 11th day of travel, and with the heat remaining high in the afternoon (peak temperature in the mid 90s with moderate humidity), the rest of our day was low-key: lunch at an Iranian restaurant ("Saffron"), and a casual stroll down King Street (the main shopping street of Charleston), capped off by a long and warm walk home.  We seem to be settling into the rhythm of South Carolina …

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