Friday, June 21, 2019

NC10 (SC04) — More Historic Charleston

Okay, we're on vacation, so an early start isn't required.  We left our flat at close to 10:30 AM this morning, a much later starting time than on any of our recent trips.  And, it's really warm in the afternoon, so it takes a lot of stamina to stay out for a long day.  We called it quits this afternoon at 5:30 PM.  But during those 7 hours, we had a good time exploring more of old Charleston.  We walked the length of King Street.  Ingrid found her shopping groove at Lou Lou's.  We toured the Nathaniel-Russell House Museum.  We ate lunch at the Brown Dog Deli. We visited the Old Slave Mart Museum.  (We've learned quite a bit about slavery during this trip to SC and credit the many people and institutions who seem to be addressing the complex history of this topic with openness and respect for the dignity of all humankind.)  We ended our afternoon touring with a stroll through the historic Charleston City Market.  The photos are all street scenes, except for the final shot taken at our lunch stop.

1 comment:

Charles J. Weschler said...

Wonderful shot of Ingrid in the doorway of LouLou's. I've enjoyed these pictures of Charleston.