Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 5: Ragged Point to Morro Bay

Today featured the fairest weather on the whole trip: sunny for the entire ride plus favorable tailwinds aiding us on the second half. There were several distinct riding segments: (i) continuing along the rugged central California coast, but across a broader plain, to San Simeon; (ii) following a more inland highway with a broad paved shoulder (hurray!) toward Cambria; (iii) roads through Cambria to bypass a busy (freeway?) section of Hwy 1; (iv) long, fast run on a broad, well paved shoulder through a valley to Cayucos; and (v) navigating city streets and urban bikeways around the bay's edge and into the city of Morro Bay.
Along the way, we stopped to see a large herd of elephant seals near San Simeon. We ate lunch at a deli along the very pleasant Main Street in Cambria. After settling in to our motel relatively early (3 PM), we walked out to El Morro and along the Embarcadero before enjoying an early dinner at a waterfront restaurant.
Cycling stats: 44.9 miles; 6:15 elapsed time; 13.9 mph average speed.
View north shortly after leaving Ragged Point.
Skinny shoulder for the early morning became better later.
Lighthouse at Piedras Blancas
Elephant seals on the beach near Piedras Blancas.
Small town of San Simeon close to Hearst Castle.
Coastline is more attractive under sunny skies than beneath clouds.
This bobcat took no notice of a large bird harassing him.
Cambria impressed us as a nice town.
View of El Morro from Cayucos.
Imposing stacks of the electricity station at Morro Bay.
Town of Morro Bay viewed from El Morro.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Such blue ocean. Wow. And that elephant seal can really arch his neck.