Friday, June 5, 2015

Day 2: Davenport to Monterey

Highlights of day 2 included riding along the coast in Santa Cruz and Capitola plus a long pleasant ride through the Fort Ord Dunes park. Navigation from Santa Cruz to Moss Landing was difficult — hard to imagine how we would have found our way without Alison's guidance. The sun came out for an hour or so during a delightful late lunch stop at Phil's Shack in Moss Landing; otherwise the skies were gray. We caught a sidewind/headwind for much of the afternoon. Slow navigation plus moderately high mileage and headwinds conspired for a bit of a late arrival at our Monterey hotel. Cycling stats: 62.4 miles; 8:00 elapsed; 11.2 mph average riding speed.
The Boardwalk at Santa Cruz
Coming into Capitola
Colorful calla lilies near Watsonville
Love the trees!
Our first taste of freeway riding (not our last, though).
The trail into Monterey includes 4 miles through Fort Ord.
Turning the corner to the west, Monterey comes into view.


ranibythesea said...

That last photo when you come up over the rise and see Monterey bay is probably one of my favorite scenes in the whole world.

Alexis said...

Freeway riding!! How scary. But what pretty sights you captured otherwise.