Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lyngby Sø, Denmark

2 May 2010

Ingrid and I arrived in Denmark today for a one-week stay. Charlie, Lulu, and Rich are here too. On Thursday, Charlie, Rich and I will be giving lectures at the DTU under the title "¡Three Amigos Speak on Indoor Chemistry!" Tomorrow, we are participating in a day-long workshop organized by Geo.

We had a good flight schedule, with an early morning flight on United from San Francisco to Washington DC (Dulles) and then overnight on SAS arriving in Copenhagen at 7:30 AM. After clearing immigration and customs, we took the train to Lyngby and walked over to the Scandic Hotel.

With early check in, we had time to join Charlie and Lulu for breakfast. Rich joined us in the late morning for a leisurely walk around the Lyngby Lake, about seven miles.

In California, spring is threatening a shift to summer. Here, spring is far from finished. The daffodils are in bloom. Some, but not all trees are in new green leaf. Today, the sky was bright blue with a scattering of large clouds, in that wonderful Danish style. The sun angle is low all day long, which creates terrific sidelit scenery.

All along the trail were joggers, bikers and strollers and the waterways were crowded with canoes and rowing shells.

After a nice nap, we topped off the day with dinner at Big Mama's.

1 comment:

ranibythesea said...

it seems like visiting Denmark, is almost like a home-away-from-home, because things are so familiar!! (lyngby lakes and big mammas...for example).

love the name of your lecture for this trip!!