Saturday, December 27, 2014

Alexandra Canal to UOB Plaza

A delightful walk beginning near Queenstown MRT and ending at the UOB Plaza in the Central Business District. Starts with the Alexandra Canal Linear Park and continues along the Alexandra Park Connector. After crossing Zion Road, we pick up the beginning of the riverfront walkway that lines both banks of the Singapore River as it meanders to Marina Bay.
Why did this message need to be proclaimed so boldly?
Masjid Jamae Queenstown
SkyTerrace@Dawson apartment buildings under renovation
Garden at the head of the Singapore River
Treatment wetlands for rainwater entering Singapore River
Singapore River near Zion Road
Riverside Point along the Singapore River
Protective barrier at water's edge
Christmas decoration at UOB Plaza
Christmas trees are red in Singapore!
One of the old dock areas, now a restaurant and nightclub hub.

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