Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tropical downpour

For the past several days, we've had spectacular afternoon thundershowers. Today was the most impressive — about an hour's worth of lightning crackles accompanied by deep booming thunder. And the rain! I couldn't figure out how to keep my camera dry and capture the impressive strength of the rainfall. So these shots of the grounds near where I work will have to do.
As I write, only an hour after shooting the photos, the rain has subsided and the clouds are starting to part. But I was too impatient to wait. It's less than a mile from work to our apartment (it's in the background of the 4th shot); my common route is mostly covered or through buildings; plus I had an umbrella with me. Still, I got soaked.


Alexis said...

Rain is tough to photograph. It looks great in the first photo against the light.

Glad you enjoyed the wilds of the weather

Ink said...

How exciting to see Singapore weather shaken up a bit. You know I LOVE thunder-lightning storms.