Tuesday, October 29, 2013

After the storm…

It was reported that the winds experienced in our vicinity yesterday were the highest ever recorded in Denmark, reaching a peak gust speed of 55 m/s (= 120 miles per hour)! The storm blew through quickly so that today has been relatively calm with intermittent rain showers and sunshine. Very Danish!
Photos 2-5 show some of the damage that we saw. On the grounds of the estate, there were lots of broken tree branches and a few downed trees, including the one seen here that was snapped in two like a toothpick rather than uprooted. Overall, the damage wasn't too severe here. But, imagine how strong the wind must be to break a metal sundial! (Compare the photo from yesterday's post.) Or to dislodge clay tiles from a roof!


Danielinha said...

The light is so pretty. And despite the roof and tree, it doesn't look like that much destruction was felt even with record breaking winds.

Ink said...

Have you gone into the deer park to see if your favorite island tree survived the windstorm?

Bilbo from California said...

We arrived back in Lyngby after dark on Tuesday afternoon. I'll probably get a chance to take a midday bike ride out to the deer park before the week is over to have a look. When we were there a few days ago, it still had lots of leaves on it, so it might be vulnerable. (BTW, the front entrance to the Scandic hotel is closed because of wind damage to windows. That is the only disruption I've seen in Lyngby.)