Thursday, June 20, 2013

No cloud, no shadow

Although the government reports this morning giving the latest PSI values suggest some improvement, the visibility is the worst yet.
Here are two indicators of very bad air pollution. (1) There are no clouds in the sky, but you cannot see your own daytime shadow. That is where we are today. (2) There are no clouds in the sky, but you cannot see the sun. I hope we don't go there!
We're still walking outside, but trying to avoid any strenuous activity. We're not using masks, but we may start soon. There is a surprisingly strong smell of smoke inside air conditioned buildings. It makes me wonder if the cooling somehow enhances the physical response to the odorous molecules in wood smoke. The smell becomes a bit nauseating over time because it is so persistent. The smoke doesn't have the same acrid, eye watering character as fresh campfire smoke. The aging during its ~ 100 km travel from Sumatra to here must help remove some of the more irritating chemicals. And there is one surprising small benefit associated with the smoke: the air is considerably cooler and even less humid than normal.
We are now on day 9 since the start. All five days of the work week have been pretty bad. Since Wednesday it has been very bad. There is no relief in sight.


Ink said...

Noon now, and the PSI is at 401. This is crazy.

According to the NEA 101-200 is 'unhealthy'; 201-300 is 'very unhealthy'; and over 300 is 'hazardous'. Note how there isn't even a description for over 400!

I'm not sure what I can do with myself today.

ranibythesea said...

this is unbelievable!! Japan needs to send some of its insane amount of rain over to you!! the fact that there seems to be no respite is very scary!