Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mt. Bachelor

The cycling agenda for today: Tumalo to Sunriver, via Bend and up toward Mt Bachelor. The ride was almost 45 miles and included roughly 3000 feet of climbing. What made it challenging was the very warm weather (peak temperature in the low 90s), the complete lack of shade, the absence of any breeze, and the black pavement. The road surfaces were excellent and the shoulders wide. And once we reached the crest (about 3 miles below Mt Bachelor) and turned off toward Sunriver, the traffic was delightfully light. What would have been a very nice ride on a good weather day became a bit of a grind today because we aren't acclimated to riding in this heat.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

The picture of mom and alison together, mom leaning over her handle bars, as if trying to catch her breath, alison clearly breathing heavily with her full load, really illustrates your point about a grueling ride.